47mm diam.   Glass Fiber Filter Bulk Pack (400 sheets/pack)

• GC-5004
• GA-5504

ADVANTEC GC-5004 and GA-5504 is your perfect choice for Total Suspended Solids and Volatile Suspended Solids measurement in water. These filters are compatible with the US Standard Method 2540D.

• Superior resistance to chemical attack&qpdh;biological inert.
• High purity filters only made from pure borosilicate glass fibers.
• High flow rate and high dirt loading
• High retention efficiency
• Binder free
• Withstands temperatures of  550℃

• Water pollution analysis
   SS (Suspended Solids) analysis in the water

• Waste Water Treatment Plant
• All Industrial Plant waste water whether there a chemical&qpdh;electronics&qpdh;food/beverage etc. plant

*1  Effective Nominal Rating are measured by vacuum filtration.
*2  Flow time is the time in seconds to filter 1000mL of distilled water at 20℃ under differential pressure of 39 kPa through a 9.6 cm2 section of filter.
*3  550℃ heat resistance is in accordance with US standard Methods 2540 which states 15 to 20 minutes ignition at 550℃.
產品貨號 描述/規格 單位 數量
• 貨號︰36381048
• 質量︰48g/m2
• 厚度︰0.19mm
• 濾紙孔徑*1︰1.2μm
• 濾水時間*2︰28sec
• 保留粒子效率︰99.99% 3μm DOP
• 壓力損失︰0.52kPa at 5cm/sec
• 粘著劑︰None
• 最大溫度*3︰550℃
• 貨號︰36261048
• 質量︰55g/m2
• 厚度︰0.21mm
• 濾紙孔徑*1︰1.5μm
• 濾水時間*2︰23sec
• 保留粒子效率︰99.99% 3μm DOP
• 壓力損失︰0.33kPa at 5cm/sec
• 粘著劑︰None
• 最大溫度*3︰550℃